Nov 7, 2012

Threshold of Blogging, My 1st Post.

I've been thrown into the threshold of BLOGGING!
Much to my Chagrin and Encouragement from my Circle of Genning Friends.

My True Roots
Daddy & Me, 1977.

Today is the 3rd year my Daddy Mr. James E. Lewis, Sr. has been gone from this World. 

Born July 10, 1918. I find this befitting and a Honor to start my STORY on this date November 7, 2012. The Day he passed from this Life and went onto Glory. 

He started me with all this NOTE TAKING to Myself, for that I'll be grateful. I don't know who took this picture of me and Daddy but it sums up in so many words and feelings of what I ended up doing with a passion.  It turned out to be called Genealogy!

 It was the Summer of 1977. I was 9 years old. My Grandma Queen Miles from the Deep South of Alabama had passed away and Roots was on television, so all this had a profound effect on me. There was a whisper in my Soul that spoke to my heart that long ago time, that said to never forget! 

Since then it's been my mission to not.
To make some of the Elders in past oral history interviews comfortable around me, with my scribbled papers and pen I would call it "NOTE-TAKING"........ saying to them, Just making "NOTES TO MYSELF".

 "My Blog" is just a reflection of thoughts to MYSELF. They come to me in the twinkle of a eye, a stirred memory, in a startled moment, lots of things can touch my heart or jog my memory and I'll want to write the thought and "Make a Note to Myself" just for simple reflection later. If you see me with paper and pen don't be alarmed! So today is a SPECIAL Note to Myself for you All.

Thanks for Coming over to my Place and Hanging out a bit and taking this Sankofa Journey with Me as you get a Inside view of my thoughts turned to NOTES. I appreciate all your support and please leave a COMMENT or NOTE for me.

 In the words of Celie from the Color Purple: "I'm HERE"!. by God "I'm HERE"!.........

Best Regards, "JE's Daughta"! 


  1. I can't wait to read more of "your thoughts turned to notes." This is wonderful that you are starting a blog. I am looking forward to your next post!

  2. So proud of you for taking this step and starting your blog. I look forward to reading all your stories. Kudos!!

  3. This is so exciting, True Ann. I'm looking forward to reading all about the family.

  4. Looks great! Look foward to reading it!

  5. Awesome!!! I really like it! I am looking forward to read it next one! KUDOS! :-)

  6. This is wonderful! and I can't wait to read more True!I am so glad you got started!

  7. Thank You the feedback is so wonderful and I will do my best. Thanks Everybody.

  8. Just found your blog and looking forward to reading more.

    1. Thank You Ms. Kristin I would love to visit your blog also. I'm glad you found me.

  9. Welcome to the world of genealogy blogging! I am looking forward to all that you will share with us. Thanks for finding me, for in return, I've found you. Again, WELCOME!

  10. You did an awesome job with this post. Showed early what was to come. I love the picture and your memories. You certainly honored your father.

    1. Thanks NITA! I still laugh at how much I have grown into Blogging and still need to go. The picture represents everything to me. It does say a lot. I have the original polaroid. It will definitely be on my "Book Cover" one day!
