
The CoLor PuRPle

Coming to the Table posted this
 photo of a trip in which my Circle of Family Historians took. This was just a small ThaNk YoU NoTe on that Day.

There it was ............a field full of cotton.

At first glance, I noticed the "COLOR 

PURPLE"!  It was just this one small photo 

standing alone.

 When I saw the COLOR PURPLE, It was like a 
dew drop from Heaven.

It meant so many things to so many of us.
 Just like a small little PRICK on my finger,there was also a willowy COTTON brush on my heart at that moment.

There it was, a sweet  reminder from Our Ancestors, of the blood, sweat, and tears,  all those steps by steps, one by one, foot in front of the other, stooping low, back bent, to remind us how far we have Come and Lest we Forget!

Naturally one of my Sister's said the quote from the film by the actress who played Shug Avery: " I think it pisses God off when you walk by the "Color Purple" in a field and don't notice it".

Well that's what happened that week this original photo was shown, we made sure when we saw the Color Purple in the field, we noticed it!

We didn't piss God off! or Our Ancestors!

I Thank You!  Ancestors above. For sending that sweetness to us all in one small detail in a photo that kissed our souls in only your way! 

You've done your Work, Well Done.  We will do the Tending now.

With All our Heart, Your Descendants.


  1. Hello True, Welcome to GeneaBloggers! I look forward to following your blog

  2. Thank You Tray, it means a lot. I look forward to stopping by your Blog also. Thanks for the Support!

  3. Welcome to GeneaBloggers. Like the title of your blog. I need to write more notes to myself.

    1. Thanks For stopping by Grant! and the Support. I'm honored. Look forward to reading your blog also!

  4. True, I just found your blog today, thanks to GeneaBloggers. Love your header photo, as well as the idea of constantly writing notes to yourself...and of course the color purple!

    Best wishes as you continue keeping those notes and posting on your blog.

    1. Jacqi.......Thanks so Much. I'm loving the support. Glad you found me!

  5. Thanks Jim! can't wait to check you out also. Appreciate the Support.
