I'm Collaborating with a Group of Women who are documenting their Family Heirlooms. I do find this Blog Prompt satisfying. It gives me a way to share with you some of my Memories. These are Heirlooms to me. They are items I actually got to pick out with my Siblings and say I will be the Gatekeeper of these items for our Parents and for us.
My Parents who were born in 1918 and 1923. They knew the value of good home products. My Parents took Pride in owning their own home and the things they filled it with.
I have this Blog where I can have them remembered and timestamped for my future Descendants. That's the part I love the most. They will actually have a first hand account of these items that meant so much to me growing up.
They will know they had meaning to me. They won't have to wonder where did that come from Granny? What do you remember about them? What was their house filled with? All those questions little people ask and even as grown ups we are still asking those Questions.
My Parents saved some of their Parents personal things. I loved hearing those stories about the Quilt and the Skillet and how they came about safeguarding them and what memory they had? What they want US to know as they passed them on.
The reason I picked the Sorbet Dish was because it didn't go with anything in the kitchen. It just sat there on her 3 tier shelf attached to the wall. I don't even remember having to clean it or even remember it being moved. It sat in the far corner of the shelf . I'll have to try to find a photo of it that way. It looks like something from the 70's. It may have been a fruit cocktail bowl. I have no idea. Probably need to research that.....
In the meantime.
Sorbet Dish |
It was filled to the brim with pennies. It had a few buttons, a pack of matches probably for our gas stove we had forever and a few safety pins. That's it. It was the Keeper/Holder for that!
It was bright and cheery and it was cute and I loved it. I wanted to keep it. Mom had knick knacks all over the house. I always knew what were my favorites. She kept things and I could see the meaning on the Why.
Now that I'm grown I have that same glint in my eye on why I keep certain knick knacks.
So since it's bright, orange and cheery sunburst didn't go with any of her other dishes, I decided it would go home with me. Now I keep it on display in all it's Glory in my China Cabinet.
Wonder what Mom would make of that?
She'd love it. Glad I have her feel for knick knacks too.