
Hats Off 👒

This was MY favorite HAT that embodied all of her Southern Charms. The Gardening Hat. Down by the Shore Hat, with it's Seashells that sparkle in the Light. The Floppy Hat.

Mom was always in Style with a Good Hat. That was her staple, her signature.

I need to get ready for a New Hat...........

You'd see her everywhere with one. As it comes close to Christmas and a New Year is upon us. It's like putting a new HAT on. I'm sitting at my little desk and I'm looking up at Mom's hat. She use to hang them on a door handle to the closet that was right by her seat at the kitchen table, she could just grab it if she got a quick visitor at the front door or if she felt her hair was out of place. It would be there if she was running out the door to go to "Tha STo", in her Southern accent!

 She had a hat everywhere in that house for every occasion.

Her hats would be up in the closet as you walked in the door on the top shelf of some old phonebooks always ready for a quick grab. Layed across my bed in my "old room" for ready on Sunday morning, even on a Styrofoam head just to keep that Tam in place. When she passed she had old hat boxes from Hess's, John Wanamaker's. It was hard to let it go. 
Me and my sister Bettye, after she passed, Laid them all out in the Living Room we called the "Front Room",we weren't allowed to be in as kids, as her friends would stop by and look the hats over and choose what memory they wanted to keep. We wanted them to have something of Mom's. Hats were important in a Southern Lady's wardrobe they stood for different things. Work~ Grieving~Celebrations. IT's an inspiration for me, for starting over in a New Year.

 Daddy just sat quietly over the coming weeks..... as we were settling all of Mom's personal things. He was the Leader in Mom having so many Hat and Purses and her Pins. He spoiled her with them. Me and Bettye kept several but that was the last hat I saw Mom in, and Bay graciously bowed out to let me have my way. The other thing I think of the most is Mom's pin hats. She had plenty. I love to just open my box and glance at them. The hat pins never went out of style for Mom, she had them all around in different rooms just for etiquette. That's what a Southern Lady does.

Mom at her Best. Our favorite.

She went out with Style no matter what time of year or occasion. Her biggest moment for me, was when Mom stepped out in her Church hat. She knew how to wear it, she wore it well! and It didn't wear her. Church hats were my Mom's Crown and Glory!

 I was always so Proud.

 I walked like a Peacock knowing my MOmma had the baddest hat in town on. When she passed in 2008 that is what all this reminded me of: LIFE. A New Year is starting so we have to take the old off and put on the new to start anew.......Hat's off to you Mom, "Sis. Tinnie" and to 2012! We Welcome 2013 as we put our New Hat on For the Year! See you next Year........

Back of the card with Final Bill
Mom's  "STEIN'S" Hat Bill from 1965


  1. Your Mom's face was absolutely precious. You can feel her warmth and love that she shared coming out of her picture. Beautiful post and Hat's off to you my dear :)

    1. Everyone that came across her could feel like that. It was often said, Everybody wanted Mom to be there MOM! Thanks!

  2. This was such a warm and sentimental post. Your mother was precious!!! Like Andrea said, Hat's off to you!!!

  3. What a wonderful tribute to your Mom. I bet she was smiling down at you as you reminisced and wrote this blog. Hat’s off to you and a New Year of blogging…

    1. THanks Ms. Pat. She would be "Grinning" at the site of her getting so much attention!

  4. Your mom looks so happy in the photo. Looking at your avatar I see you have inherited her hat wearing abilities.

    1. Mom was always giddy! You probably are so right Ms. Kristin, I think I just noticed it myself without knowing.......

  5. I love those old fashions, my mother was also fond of hats. We had a picture of my mom sitting in a photo studio with her hat on but its missing. It breaks my heart. I love this memory of your mom True you are a wonderful storyteller please keep them coming!


    1. Thanks Victori!!! I hope you find that picture. Thanks for the Encouragement. I hope to have more stories in the next year abt "Mom".

  6. Loved learning about your mother and her hats. Thanks for re-posting this, True!

    1. Dawn you made me think what a item or photo can bring a memory to life. Thanks.

  7. That's such a sweet post about your mom, I can see from the photo of her that's she's proud of her hat and she's looking good. Thank you for sharing your mom with us.

  8. Your mom is so beautiful. You can see her personality just jumping out of the picture that is filled with love. She definitely sparkles! This was a wonderful way to honor her and her love of hats.

  9. As I read this I wanted to laugh and cry. I can't go anywhere without my hat. I feel like I am not dressed without having one on my head. I lost my "Godmother" MaMa Rose"in March and she also loved hats.your mother looked soooooo!!! sharp in her hat.have a good new year "2014" I always tell my daughter Bernita to pass my hats on with love.

    1. Thank You Ms.Ella. You You embrace the same way my Mom felt. She would have it no other way. We love sharing and using her beautiful things. Thanks for stopping by. Love your Hat!

  10. Thank you for reposting this special page about your mother and her love of hats. As with each new coming year, we are all putting on new hats.
    Stephani Juleeana Miller
