
Funeral Card Friday #1

Rev. Obie L. Lewis.......... My Daddy's big brother........Daddy kept Uncle Obie alive by this photo. I think this might be one of the "oldest" obits I have. Hopefully not, but at the moment it is. It wasn't until Daddy passed, I found this obit in his WW2 footlocker. He was 13 years older than Daddy and more of an influence on him then Uncle Obie would ever get to know.  There is so much I have to learn just from his Funeral Card Obit. 

Poole Funeral Home  is still in business since 1936 and they have been Thanked and Helpful in so Many ways.  They have served the community through many trials and tribulations. 

Poole Funeral Home 

Especially during Civil Rights. I know Uncle Obie is buried in Mason City Cemetery which is now New Grace Hill Cemetery in Birmingham, Alabama. I have to get more history on the church and a lot of other unanswered questions. I will keep moving forward and adding notes to his bio as I learn. Also his Mother Eddie Ivery Lewis had a brother named Obie Ivery who had no children. Ironic. 

On March 1st, 1946 my Auntie Lela Belle died, she was just 34 years old. Her and Uncle Obie died within a day of each other.  

Daddy took charge and made sure he was at both funerals in two days. Going from Birmingham back to Midway.  Daddy was always running making sure things where taken care of when it came to times like these, He was in Charge of the Lewis Family. 

Uncle Obie's Funeral Card

Daddy said his Momma heard the "Rooster crow 3 times" and she didn't know she would be next on June 22, 1946. So I would say that 1946 was a hard Year for my Daddy. In my Family they always say DEATH comes in Three's. They always take two other people with them. Well in 1946 Death Came 3 times....

Rev. Obie L. Lewis

You are truly missed and I wish I could sit and talk awhile with you.

Love your Grand Niece, 


  1. What a strong man your Daddy had to be! The death in three's is something I've heard in my family too. I wonder the origins?

    1. I think my Daddy really was in a depth of Sorrow. That from there on he could handle things thru Prayer.

  2. My family says that too. I think it's widespread.

    1. When Sorrow comes Ms. Kristin I always wonder now every since I had been told that or heard it from family members. I do wonder where it's origins come from.

  3. Indeed that must have been a hard year for your dad. Your uncle was a handsome man. His eyes looked kind.

    1. Yes Andrea I know it was. All three of them Passed before we were born. He had so many good people at his funeral in Birmingham, he had to be good and KIND! Thanks!

  4. The Good Book says "God doesnt give us more than we can bare". Your story bought to my mind the story about Rev Thomas Dorsey the composer of the Song Precious Lord Take My Hand. Read the Story behind the song.

    When we look at these funeral programs in those days its filled with tributes songs and praise. As the people exited, I'm sure they were feeling much better than when they entered.

    I think dont like to think about death comes in three's one is enough and Im not looking for two more. I rather leave that as coincidental.


    1. Thank You Shelley sorry took me so long to respond. You just reminded of the good ol'days with Thomas Dorsey I loved the Documentary they made on him. Thanks for stopping by!
