
4 Generations of Military all Firstborns

Please click the LINK to see my Story:


I was honored to Guest Blog on "Black Presence", about my Family's Military History. I wanted to share with you that didn't get to see it on other sites.

 Hope you Enjoy!

4 Generations of Military all Firstborns 


  1. Great post about you and your family's military service. Thank you for your service!

    1. Thanks TA! Thanks for stopping by also. I appreciate it. Would do it again if I could.

  2. EXCELLENT feature True and like TA said, THANK YOU for your self-less service to our country. Happy Veterans Day!

    1. Thank you Livvy! You are always so concerned! I'm glad you enjoyed!

  3. Thank you for sharing this post. I was blown away by your family's sacrifice for our country. Your grandfather sounds like an amazing man. I can't imagine how he felt going to a foreign country being treated as equal yet the country he is fighting for not doing the same. Yet he served with pride and honor. Your father's military career definitely a stellar one. You must be so proud of them. Then look at you picking up the torch and carrying it into your career and now your son. What an amazing legacy started by your grandfather.

    All four of your have served our country with honor and I thank you for that. I loved reading your post, it really hits home. Thank you for sharing your family's dedication to our great country.

    1. Thank You Bernita. Coming from One Airman to a Soldier that means a lot. When I started this Blog it made me realize we are a Military Family in ways I hadn't thought of before. Now that we are Retired. It's been a moment of reflection. I appreciate your Service as well. I know how tough it was and the sacrifices we've had to make. Thanks for stopping over.

  4. Wow! Awesome story True! I know that you are so proud of your family. Thank you for sharing. :)

    1. Thanks Denise....I appreciate you thinking about us. It's just a Call of Duty you don't think about. It's been my WHOLE life......and it's still continuing. Thank You for stopping by!
